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Triune Concordant



The Champion of Talus, as declared Guardian of the Three Realms, wielder of the Immortal Blade, whereas it is essential to form a consistent and ubiquitous rule of law to ensure peace, tranquility, and the continued administration of justice, hereby establishes the following codification of universal rights.


Article I

Section 1

The Emperor of Attia is hereby granted sovereignty over all the lands, oceans, and waterways of the Realm of Niwend.


Section 2

The Empire of Attia will hereby thus be known as the Empire of Niwend, and its emperor’s title will correspond accordingly. 

Section 3

The Emperor of Niwend will maintain full control and autonomy of the Realm of Niwend so long as he abides to the conditions and laws set forth by this treaty. 


Section 4

The Emperor of Niwend will maintain full autonomy to set, change, and revise laws within his realm, so long as they do not conflict with anything outlined within this treaty. 

Section 5

The Guardian reserves the right to modify any laws established by the Emperor of Niwend, if he feels that they conflict with this treaty. 


Section 6

The Emperor of Niwend will maintain all rights to establish his line of succession and any rules pertaining thereto.


Section 7

The Emperor of Niwend shall serve as the ultimate arbitrator in matters and disputes pertaining to the realm. 

Section 8

The Guardian may overrule the authority of the Emperor of Niwend in any matter if he deems it necessary for the greater good. 

Section 9

All powers as not established or distributed by this treaty shall be assumed to be possessed by the Emperor of Niwend, unless restricted by the Guardian. 


Article II

Section 1

The Empire of Niwend is required to establish worship of the Triune Gods, comprised of Talus, Devorah, and Lajos, as its primary and official religion. 

Section 2

No other religions are to be permitted, established, or respected by the realm. 

Section 3

Any preestablished religious institutions that do not honor the Triune are to be either dismantled and disbarred or converted to worship of the Triune. 

Section 4

The Empire of Niwend shall utilize Attitian Crowns as its universal currency. No other currency is permitted. 

Section 5

Attish shall be established as the official language of the realm. All citizens shall be required to learn Attish, and only Attish shall be used in public. 

Section 6

The Empire of Niwend is required to maintain a sufficient military force for the general defense of the common good. 

Section 7

The Empire of Niwend shall be required to relinquish use of its military to the Guardian, at his request, for any action he deems necessary. 

Section 8

All men are born free, and as such slavery is abolished. Indentured servitude is acceptable on the agreement of all parties involved. 

Section 9

The Empire of Niwend shall establish and maintain a court system for the trail and distribution of justice in all of its forms. 

Section 10

Capital punishment is strongly discouraged with the exception of violent offenses. Detention or servitude is encouraged to serve as the primary method of the application of justice as it provides the possibility of future betterment for the offender while ensuring satisfaction for the offended. 

Section 11

No one shall be subject to criminal punishment without due process through the applicable laws. 

Section 12

All men have the right to own property and shall not be deprived of their property without due process. 

Section 13

Everyone has the right to peace and security. Peace is the greatest good that can be maintained. As such, any form of armed conflict is strictly prohibited. The Empire, with the Emperor possessing the utmost responsibility in the realm, is charged with maintaining peace and ending conflicts and disputes as they arise. 


Section 14

The Guardian will maintain peace at any cost. Any conflict or dispute that requires armed force to resolve, must have the approval of the Guardian before proceeding, and must have the goal of ending the conflict as soon as possible and restoring peace. By any means necessary. 


Article III

Section 1

The Guardian may revise, change, or amend any and all portions of this treaty at any time without notice. 

Section 2

Any violation of any provision within this treaty shall constitute treason, and lead to the imperial line to forfeit their right to rule. 

Section 3

Withdrawal from this treaty by the Empire shall constitute treason. 

Section 4

In the event of treason, the Guardian will maintain the right to forcefully assume control of the realm, remove the ruling class from power, and to establish a new ruling class at his discretion.


Amendment 1


Article I

Section 1

This amendment herby establishes the Kingdom of Adgul and introduces the realm into the protection of the Guardian. 

Section 2

All provisions of the treaty established with the Empire of Niwend shall apply to the Kingdom of Adgul unless specifically named or superseded within this or future amendments. 

Section 3

The Guardian shall appoint the initial ruler of the realm. 

Section 4

The King of Adgul shall determine the laws of the realm and succession of the throne. 

Section 5

The Kingdom of Adgul shall include all land, oceans, and waterways within the realm of Adgul. 


Article II

Section 1

The title of Sage shall be given to the respective rulers of the Empire of Niwend and the Kingdom of Adgul. 


Section 2

The Guardian shall serve as the ultimate and final arbitrator of matters, disputes, and conflicts between the realms. 


Amendment 2


Article I


Section 1

This amendment herby establishes the Terran Union and introduces the realm into the protection of the Guardian. 


Section 2

All provisions of the treaty established with the Empire of Niwend and the Kingdom of Adgul shall apply to the Terran Union unless specifically named or superseded within this or future amendments. 


Section 3

All nations within the realm of Terra are required to join the Terran Union. 


Section 4

All nations within the Terran Union shall maintain their independence and set the laws of their land unless those laws are superseded by this treaty. 


Section 5

Any nation previously conquered or under the control of the Guardian shall be granted their independence. The Guardian shall appoint a new ruling class who shall be responsible for adhering to Section 4 of this amendment. 


Article II


Section 1

A Sage of Terra shall be appointed with the full rights and responsibilities of the Sage of Niwend and the Sage of Adgul. 


Section 2

The initial Sage of Terra and following any vacancy, the following actions shall be taken to appoint the Sage of Terra. 


   Subsection A

A delegate from each nation within the Terran Union shall meet to determine the Sage.


   Subsection B

Delegates may nominate candidates for the Sage, but may not nominate candidates from the nation they represent.


   Subsection C

Each nominee must be confirmed by a second delegate.


   Subsection D

The delegates shall vote on the confirmed candidates.


   Subsection E

The Guardian shall appoint the Sage by reviewing each confirmed candidate based on the number of votes received from the nations’ delegates.


   Subsection F

If the Guardian passes on the candidate that received the most votes, he shall then consider the candidate with the second most votes and so on until a Sage is appointed or all candidates have been considered.


   Subsection G

If the Guardian passes on all candidates nominated, delegates must nominate new candidates and the process will repeat until a Sage is appointed.


Section 3

The Sage of Terra shall be appointed for life, unless he voluntarily steps down from the role or is deemed unfit to serve as Sage by the Guardian.

Section 4

If the current Sage of Terra decides to relinquish his position, he will maintain his role and responsibilities until a new Sage is appointed.

Section 5

In the event that the current Sage dies before a new Sage assumes responsibility or any other circumstance that results in a vacant position, the Guardian shall assume all responsibilities of the Sage until a new Sage is appointed.


Article III

Section 1

All sections related to treason shall apply to every individual nation within the Terran Union. 


Amendment 3

Section 1

The idol goddess worshipers are declared Outcasts.

Section 2

The Outcasts shall be banished to the land beyond the Latari Forest within the Realm of Terra.

Section 3

A garrison shall be established near the Latari Forest to ensure the Outcasts do not violate the terms of their banishment.

Section 4

Any member of the Outcasts that are discovered outside of their territory shall face criminal charges according to the applicable laws of the nation they are discovered within.

Section 5

The banishment of the Outcasts shall never end.

Section 6

Any realm, nation, group, or individual found assisting the Outcasts or group or member of the Outcasts shall be guilty of treason. 

Amendment 4

Section 1

The Shagin Outcasts are hereby declared as enemies of humanity.

Section 2

Shagin are ordered to report to detention facilities.

Section 3

The penalty for being a member of the Shagin shall be death. The Shagin are to be immediately executed and purged from the Three Realms.

Section 4

All age groups including infants, children, young adults, adults, and the elderly shall be held accountable for the crimes of the Shagin.

Section 5

Any means necessary is permitted in finding, routing out, and eliminating the Shagin.

Section 6

Any realm, nation, group, or individual found assisting the Shagin or groups or members of the Shagin shall be guilty of treason and will be executed.

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